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Saving time and money for the largest Spanish-speaking media company by replatforming onto a headless CMS

Brightspot CMS case study: Televisa

With Brightspot as its back end, Televisa today manages nine sites—eight of which are headless—from one CMS. Find out how it works.

Televisa by the numbers

Rocket launch icon
Sites launched in just five months
Alarm icon
Decrease in launch times
Stack icon
CMS platforms consolidated to one
Code icon
Front-end styles powered by four simple fields

The Televisa challenge

After leveraging several CMS platforms to manage all of its digital properties, Televisa decided to replatform its sites onto one multisite, headless CMS. The ideal solution would streamline all back-end functions, enabling Televisa to focus development on the front-end design and giving the company complete control over the look and feel of its sites.

Working across nine disparate CMS platforms created significant overhead for Televisa and made the publishing process incredibly inefficient. Not only did the editorial team need the ability to publish in real-time, but they also needed a tool that would streamline the development process and make it easy to create and launch future sites independently. They also required a CMS with robust localization and translation capabilities built in, allowing the multilingual team to switch between languages and share content in both Spanish and English.

Brightspot improved the quality of life for our editorial team, who can now manage sites, collaborate, and publish experiences faster and more seamlessly than ever to meet the demands of our audience. It also empowered our development team, giving them total control over the look and feel of our platform.
Juan Antonio Beckman, Director of Technology, Televisa Digital

Televisa website examples

The Brightspot solution for Televisa

Over the course of five months, Televisa’s front-end developers and editorial teams worked side by side with the Brightspot team to learn Brightspot and fix issues with the project. After migrating all of its content and creating a model with the first headless site launch, Las Estrellas, Televisa replatformed a total of nine sites in just five months. With Brightspot as its back-end content management solution, Televisa now has the ability to:

  • Manage all digital properties from one CMS, eliminating disparate systems and empowering Televisa’s editorial team to create and launch new sites independently.
  • Improve the publishing experience for a multilingual editorial team with a cleaner, more intuitive CMS that enables and simplifies content sharing and acquisition.
  • Take ownership over the look and feel of each platform with a headless implementation that gives Televisa the ability to preview and control every output of Brightspot code with a custom-built tool called Style Selector.
  • Save time and money with a multisite solution that greatly reduced overhead costs across the board.

The outcome for Televisa

  • Today Televisa manages nine sites—eight of which are headless—from one powerful, multisite CMS, saving the organization time and money.
  • A custom-built tool called style selector that gives Televisa the ability to preview and control every output of Brightspot code.
  • Built-in robust localization and translation capabilities that make it possible for a multilingual team to easily switch between languages and share content in both Spanish and English.
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