Brightspot comes out of the box with deep analytics capabilities that help companies maintain visibility of how content is performing. In addition to out-of-the-box analytics, Brightspot easily integrates with third-party analytics providers, like Google Analytics. Save time by viewing analytics data from within the same location as your content without having to switch to a different window.

Google Analytics and Brightspot: How it works
The Google Analytics integration works in two ways. First, users may view sitewide analytics by setting up an Analytics tab on the Dashboard. Though this tab can show a variety of analytics, users can configure it to display Google Analytics data. Users also have the option to view analytics on individual assets by searching for published assets, then scrolling down to the Analytics widget.
Brightspot tracks a number of analytics metrics that users may ingest to discover trends about their content and take appropriate actions against.
Google Analytics and Brightspot: Use cases
- Flip over to the Analytics tab on the Dashboard and view analytics about your site's performance as a whole using metrics like assets created per month and site traffic.
- Scroll down to the Analytics widget on an individual asset to see how it's performing, and then make adjustments to the content accordingly.